الدعوات 27-02-2022

Invitation au Webinar - 2eme edition du défi de l'innovation de la PAU



Tlemcen University Students are invited to the kick off webinar and launch of the second edition of the PAU Innovation Challenge.

What:  kick off webinar and launch of the second edition of the PAU Innovation Challenge.


On programme :

- Welcome speech of PAU Institutes Directors;

- Short introduction about the results of 1st edition of PAU Innovation Challenge;

- Explaining the roadmap and participating conditions;

- Explaining the training videos;

- Prizes

- Q & A Session


When : 3 March 2022 at 09:00 AM


Where: Virtual event



• PAU Directors of Institutes;

• PAU students and Alumni;

• Host Universities students;




  • Raising awareness about Innovation & Entrepreneurship among PAU students and alumni
  • Giving innovative teams the chance to develop their ideas, prototype them and bring them to the market
  • Shedding the light on the potentials and capabilities of African students and alumni to develop hands-on technologies to solve African solutions for African (and worldwide) problems
  • Contributing to create successful and innovative Startups
  • Shedding the light on the potentials and capabilities of African students and alumni to develop hands-on technologies to solve African solutions for African (and worldwide) problems
  • Contributing to create successful and innovative Startups

PAU Students and Alumni and PAU Host Universities Students are invited to participate.


Join Zoom Meeting on the topic of Launch of PAU Innovation challenge 2nd edition - Kickoff webinar :  https://uni-leipzig.zoom.us/j/63120971153?pwd=L3VUMXFCSmhHMVdaaEIwQWYrSmNoQT09

Meeting ID:  631 2097 1153

Passcode:  518177