Invitation 08-11-2016

21th C. Challenges to Africa’s Food Security and Water Adaptation to Climate Change


L’Institut Pan Africain des Sciences de l’Eau et de l’Energie organisera ce mercredi 09 novembre 2016 à 15h30, une conférence avec notre professeur invité, Laurent Lambert, sur le thème : *21th C. Challenges to Africa’s Food Security and Water Adaptation to Climate Change* et à laquelle nous serons très ravis d’inviter l’ensemble des enseignants et doctorants dans le domaine de l’eau et de la sécurité alimentaire.

Ci-dessous un résumé en anglais de la conférence ainsi qu’une courte biographie du conférencier.

By 2050, the world must feed 9 billion people. The demand for food will probably be 60% greater than it is today and the need to adapt to climate change will be particularly acute in Africa, a continent with great potential and major challenges. Join this discussion by attending the conference '21th C. Challenges to Africa’s Food Security and Water Adaptation to Climate Change' on 09th November 2016.


Biographie :

Laurent has been working as a researcher, UN representative, project manager and consultant in environmental, policy and economic fields, providing both expert analysis and project management over the past decade. He is now in charge of several sustainable development projects in Africa and the Middle East. A French citizen, Laurent holds a PhD. from the Oxford University School of Geography & the Environment (Oxon DPhil), Bachelor and Masters degrees (Summa Cum Laude) in Geography from the University of Paris1 P. Sorbonne, and certifications in Risk Management and sustainable agriculture.