Events 08-05-2022

The 77th anniversary of the killings of May 8, 1945

Today, Sunday coincide with the 77th anniversary of the killings of May 8, 1945a tragic event in Algerian history in which more than 45,000 martyrs were slain by French colonialism.

On the occasion of this anniversary, the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences at the University of Tlemcen celebrated a forum in the amphitheater "Abu Kassem Saad Allah," which was opened by verses of the Holy Quran and followed by the hymn

Pr. Maghacho Morad, the university's rector, addressed a message reminding the horrible killings that must not be forgotten and still haunts in the national memory, as well as the historical reference on which the people's struggle against colonialism was established, with its horrific tragedies.

The Moujahid, Hajj bin Ali Omar, also shared his testimony, which he lived through during this difficult time, and the audience interacted with him, followed by Professor Bouziane Hajar's valuable conference.  And documentary video about some horrific bloody occurrences was screened by national archives office. Finally, the University's Rector congratulated Mujahid Hajj Bin Ali Omar and Professor Bouziane Hajar on their achievements.

The memory of May 8, 1945, will live on in the Algerian people's consciousness as a living monument, reminding future generations of the heroic sacrifices made by the martyrs for the country's liberation.

Glory and eternity, to our martyrs