Information : انعقاد لقاء اللجنة الوطنية للانتقال إلى جامعة من الجيل الرابع 4.0
Results : Résultats du Concours d’accès à la formation du 3ème cycle "Doctorat 2024-2025"
Information : إعلان هام للطلبة
Call for projects : Appel à projets pour la Transition verte
Call for applications : Postes vacants au sein de l’Union africaine
Student Life : الامتحانات النهائية الموحدة للدورة الأولى الخريفية
Competition : مسابقات الالتحاق بالتكوين في الطور الثالث
Information : لجنة الاعتماد المؤسسي تزور كلية الطب بجامعة تلمسان
Results of the 3rd Cycle Doctoral Access Competition" 2024/2025 Doctoral Competition" 2024/2025...
Meeting of the National Committee for the Transition to a Fourth-Generation University (4.0) National Committee for the Transition to a Fourth-Generation University (4.0)...
Continuation of the Information Days at the University of Tlemcen on National Service On Tuesday, February 11, 2025, the information and awareness days on national service continued at the Abou El Kacem Saâdallah ...
Student celebration activities of the 49th Anniversary Student celebration activities of the 49th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic...
University’s directorate council Pr. Amine Abdelmalek, Rector of Oran 1 University, President of the Board of Directors of Tlemcen University...
National Conference The Research Team on Legal and Judicial Security, under the presidency of Pr. Bessaïd Mourad from the Laboratory of Strategic Studies...
Important Announcement for Students The I2E Student Center informs all students that a free bus service will be provided to transport...
Short-term mobility For Teachers,PhD students, and Master's students (2025)...
Call for green transition projects Interreg NEXT MED programme announces the official launch of the call for Green Transition projects,...