Information 14-12-2022

National Forum

Members of the PRIMA/IMPUISE research team from the Department of Agriculture - Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, Earth and Universe Sciences - University of Tlemcen - organized the first national forum on: planting Citrus in Algeria, chaired by Pr. Fatima Yousefi, in the presence of Pr.MEGHACHOU Mourad, rector of the university, vice rector in charge of external relations Pr.HAMZA CHERIF Ali, the dean of the faculty of SNV Pr.MOUKHTARI SOULEIMANE Nassima Amel, teachers and students.

The forum aims to:

-Make an inventory of agriculture in Algeria.

-Evaluate research and development of the citrus plantation sector

-The management of citrus horticulture requires an academic program and a developmental approach, hence the need to discuss with development partners even large citrus farmers

- Determine the constraints in the interdisciplinary framework

-Proposal of management methods at all levels for more sustainable and rational development.