Information 18-04-2023

A study day on the accompaniment of the carriers of innovative projects registered under the decree (1275)

The Vice-rectorate of External Relations, Cooperation, Animation and Communication, and Scientific Events, in coordination with the Student Center, organized, on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, a study day on the accompaniment of the carriers of innovative projects registered under the decree (1275), in the presence of the rector of the university, Pr. MEGHACHOU Mourad, the vice rectors and the director of the student center, Pr. Sari Hassoun Zakaria, and students, where projects were presented to students with ideas in artificial intelligence. The day also saw the organization of training workshops for students on:
creation of a business plan template (BMC).
modeling (prototyping).
Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs).
How to get the label  (label start-up)
Obtaining a patent
The trained students were also honored