Information 28-05-2023

Commemorating the 28th anniversary of the creation of the Amazighite High Commission

Tlemcen University hosted this Saturday, May 27, 2023, in the auditorium of the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Earth, and Universe Sciences, an event commemorating the 28th anniversary of the creation of the Amazighite High Commission. This event took place in the presence of Mr. Si El Hachemi ASSAD, the Secretary General of this institution, and the accompanying delegation, Le Wali de Tlemcen, Mr. Moumen Mermouri, accompanied by the President of the APW, local security, and security officials.
The guests were received by Prof. Meghiachou Mourad, Rector of the University of Tlemcen, and his vice presidents, the secretary general of the university, the deans of faculties, the director of the Pan-African Institute of Water and Energy Sciences, including climate change PAUWES Pr. Zerga Abdelatif, the director of the Institute of Business Management Pr. Saidi Tareq, teachers, and social partners.

The welcoming ceremony began with a speech by the Rector of Tlemcen University, at the beginning of which he welcomed the guests, where he  underlined the importance of promoting scientific research and creativity and instilling Algerian identity and national values, he added that this event is an opportunity to strengthen the cooperation between the university and HCA. In addition, Mr. Moumen Mermouri, Le wali de Tlemcen expressed his support to strengthen the cooperation in the field of teaching and scientific research between the University of Tlemcen and the HCA.

Then, Mr Si EL Hachemi ASSAD, presented on this occasion the proceedings of the national colloquium entitled «L'amazighité, élément fondateur de la nation, sécurité identitaire, intégrité territoriale et unité nationale» co-published and organized jointly in Tlemcen, 21 and 22 February 2023, on the occasion of the double celebration of International Mother Language Day and African Languages Week.

The event featured two lectures by teacher Benmoussat Boumedienne and teacher Ouhib Fathallah. Mr Si EL Hachemi ASSAD and the two teachers Benmoussat Boumedienne and OUHIB Fathallah were honoured on this occasion.