Information 17-06-2023

Graduation ceremony for the foreign students

As part of student exchanges signed between the Ministry of Higher Education and African universities, the Centre for Intensive Language Teaching of the University of Tlemcen (CEIL) honored this Thursday, June 15, 2023, foreign students who have taken accelerated language training within the CEIL during that same academic year. They were given their Arabic language certificates to the CEIL in the presence of Professor Meghiachou Mourad, Rector of the University of Tlemcen, and the Director of the Language Centre, Dr. Ilhame Ouachdi.

The Rector of the University warmly congratulated the African students who saw their efforts today crowned with success. He also took the time to talk with these same students about their experiences at Tlemcen University.

We believe this experience has greatly improved the lives of some students and broadened their perspectives on science and culture. We wish them the best of luck in their future projects, both academic and professional.