Information 31-08-2023

The closing of the events of the second CNES Summer University

The closing of the events of the second CNES Summer School, which began on August 25, 2023, at the University of Tlemcen under the theme "the role of the social partner in the reforms of higher education", in the presence of the Rector of the University of Tlemcen, Pr. MEGHACHOU Mourad, the directors of the academic institutions, the social partners, and the representatives of the trade unions of different universities in the country.
The discussions and workshops covered several important topics, including the reform of the education system and scientific research at the University of Tlemcen, digitization, expanding English language teaching, the role of business incubators to improve academic work, and reforms of the social work system.
This event was an important opportunity to share experiences and exchange ideas for higher education and to orient it more towards the labor market and the needs of sustainable development. It also allowed participants to present proposals and recommendations for effective reforms in higher education.
In closing this summer university in its second edition, we reaffirm the importance of cooperation in achieving sustainable development in the field of higher education, which will greatly contribute to national development goals.