Information 07-11-2023

International projects /International partnerships

The closing meeting of the El@n project on teaching and learning foreign languages, including the Arabic language, to non-native speakers closed this Monday, November 6, 2023, at noon in the auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine.
As a reminder, the El@n project, led by the University of Tlemcen for four years and funded by the European Commission, brings together the national and foreign partner universities in the project: University of Science and Technology of Oran, University of GALMA - University of Biskra; - University of Bedjaia; - University of Ourgla
The Italian University La Sapienza of Rome, the Spanish University of Santiago de Compostela, the Turkish University of Istanbul, and the French University of Valencia
After four years of the project's life, which has stopped due to the coronavirus pandemic, the project teams have been meeting at the closing meeting hosted by the University of Tlemcen since yesterday, Sunday, November 5, 2023, in the presence of the rectors of the University of Béjaïa and Biskra, who presented a speech during the opening session accompanied by the rector of the University of Tlemcen and the vice-rector of the University of Tlemcen in charge of Ex Relations.
Indeed, the outcome of the project and its results, according to the experts, have been very positive given the importance of the project aimed at expanding foreign language learning and the importance and role of intensive language teaching centers at the level of all universities, national and foreign, in the achievement of these objectives in terms of action on the promotion of efforts to encourage more linguistic diversity in intensive language teaching centers, to encourage cooperation between universities and teaching centers, and to acquire the expertise and skills necessary to develop methods of teaching foreign languages, as well as openness to more advantages.
The project, which the participants gather at its closing meeting, is considered a valuable asset for the Algerian university and the European and non-European partner universities due to its direct relationship with qualitative academic training. Sincere greetings to all the actors who have participated in the success of the project since its elaboration, its birth, and its launch, and a big thank you to all the teams who worked on the specific project and who achieved greater success thanks to the combination of efforts, it is recommended that it is necessary to reflect on expanding the circle of interests of the initial project to constitute a new platform in the future.
All the speakers agree that the experience they have had for years during this project was exciting, useful, and beautiful in the scientific and formative dimensions, especially the humanitarian aspects.
ات ومراكز التعليم واكتساب الخبرات والمهارات الضرورية لتطوير أساليب تعليم وتلقين اللغات الأجنبية والانفتاح على المزيد منها.
المشروع الذي يلتقي حوله المشاركون في اجتماعه الختامي يعتبر مكسبا ثمينا للجامعة الجزائرية والجامعات الشريكة الأوربية منها و غير الأوربية لما له من علاقة مباشرة بالتكوين الأكاديمي النوعي، فتحية خالصة لكل الفاعلين الذين شاركوا في إنجاح المشروع منذ صياغته وولادته وإطلاقه وشكر جزيل لكل الفرق التي اشتغلت على المشروع المتميز الذي حقق نجاحه بفضل تظافر الجهود و التي أوصت بضرورة التفكير بتوسعة دائرة اهتمامات المشروع الأصلي كي يشكل أرضية عمل جديدة في المستقبل، كما أجمع جميع المتدخلين على أن التجربة التي عاشوها لسنوات ضمن هذا المشروع كانت مثيرة، مفيدة و جميلة بأبعادها العلمية و التكوينية و خاصة منها الجوانب الإنسانية.