Information 19-11-2023

Scientific event/ International cooperation

National colloquium on "The Life of the Peasants in the Islamic West and Techniques of Economy and Conservation of Food" 
 The department of history of the faculty of Islamic sciences and social sciences hosted the national symposium on "The life of peasants in the Islamic West and the technique of economics and food conservation". 
The meeting was officially inaugurated by the Dean of the Faculty, Pr.BENDAOUED Nasreedine, in the presence of Pr. Hamza Cherif Ali, vice-rector of external relations, scientific events, and international exchange, and the guest of honor of the University of Marmara, Turkey, Prof.Akpinar Haldun-Marmara, a computer specialist and passionate about Zianid history in the intermediate period and Algerian Otmanic history. 
The activities of the symposium then began, bringing together numerous scientific sessions led by a group of teachers and students from different higher education institutions around the world, in particular: Tlemcen, Djalfa, Sidi Belabes, Bordj Bouariou, Mascara, University of Algiers 2, Tipaza, Bouira, Chlef, University Blida 2, Costantine The higher school of teachers Abderrahmane Taleb Laghouat, the University of Galma, the University of Khanshla, the Ahmed Salhi Naâma University Center, the University of Media, Saida University, the Research Center in Islamic Sciences and Civilization in Laghouat, the University of Batna, and the University Center of Barika Their interventions addressed topics related to the theme raised by the students.