Information 09-12-2023

Scientific events

The team of the research project of the socio-economic echo on «specialized Algerian languages and the employment market», in collaboration with research laboratory "Dialogues of Religions and Civilizations in the Medeteran Basin of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Tlemcen, and the Quality Assurance Unit of the University of Tlemcen and the Formative Research Project PRFU N°H00L01UN1301202200, organized the first presential National Forum entitled “Bridging the Gap Between Language Efficiency and Labour Market Requirements” : Towards an Approach to Quality Assurance for Language Students”, chaired by Dr. BELGRINE Abdelkader and Dr. YOUCEFI Fatima, on Thursday 07 December 2023.
The forum was opened by Pr. Belaid Salah, President of the Supreme Committee of the Arabic Language, where he presented an opening speech on thoughts on the management of the quality of higher education in Algerian universities in the presence of teachers from different Algerian universities.
This meeting addressed various topics related to the quality of language student education, including quality standards, labor market needs, and student empowerment. Recommendations and proposals have closed this conference to improve the quality of training for language students in Algeria who meet the needs of the job market.