Information 09-12-2023

Scientific field training for students and members of the Scientific Club of Legal Youth

A scientific field training for students members of the Scientific Club of Legal Youth was carried out at the public reading library "Mohammed DIB" on Thursday, December 7, 2023, under the supervision of Dr. Rabia Ben Azouz, president of the club.
During this training, the students visited the various services of the library, including the reception department and how it works and its organization of books, the department of children’s reading, as well as the department of group reading and the conference room.
The students were then divided into 7 workshops to present collective book projects, during which the students realized 7 collective book projects that will be transmitted to the scientific committee of specialized teachers for the study and selection of projects for a collective book. Students who participated in the internship will receive a one-year membership card to the library in recognition of their love of reading.