Call for applications 05-10-2016

International Conference on polymeric materials and their composites (CIMPC'17)


Presentation :

The international conference (CIMPC'17) is a scientific event which lasts three days and aims to make the inventory of theoretical research and experimental research on polymer-based composites, conductive polymers, biopolymers, networks and gels, as well as mixtures thereof.


The international conference on polymeric materials and their composites (CIMPC'17) will be a space of exchange between academics, researchers and industry. It aims to present and discuss their experiences and results on all aspects; the latest innovations, the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of PDLC polymers, conducting polymers, biopolymers, as well as blends and composites. As it allows to encourage and strengthen the scientific high-level exchanges between participants and to bring basic research applied sciences. The event is also intended to be a window for the development of new materials and new technologies, to promote the development of materials meeting the aspirations of the general public.

Instructions to Authors

A comprehensive summary (2-3 pages maximum) with the problem, the results, figures and references and keywords. * The text will be entered in MS Word, Times New Roman font and size: - fat and 14 uppercase for the title, -12 in italics for names of authors highlighting the name of the communicator; address of the establishment. - Communicating to the email contact - 12, justified the text * Tables and figures will be focused and will bear a legend.

Official languages ​​of the symposium: French & English

Sending communications:

Participation fee: The registration fee is set at: National: Participants from abroad: 250 €, Students € 150 This fee covers lodging, meals, coffee breaks, the collection of proceedings of the seminar, the output and transportation by bus from the hotel. With accommodation Without Accommodation - Teacher researcher: 10000 DA - Teacher researcher: 8000 DA - Student: 5000 DA - Student: DA 4000 - Industrial 20 000 DA

Important Dates:

Deadline for receipt of abstracts 31/12/2016

Notification of acceptance: 15/02/2017

Confirmation of participation: 15/04/2017

More information and registration form