Invitations 02-07-2017

Invitation to tender No 05 / VRDPO / 2017 Acquisition of IT equipment

As part of the acquisition of IT equipment for its benefit, the University of Tlemcen invites all interested parties through this invitation to tender to participate in consultation N° 05/VRDPO/2017 of the Normal Program: Annual Plan 2017.

The withdrawal of the specifications will be carried out at the level of the Vice - Rectorate of Development, Prospective and Guidance located at 22 Abi Ayad Abdelkrim Street, for the payment of 2000, 00Da at the level of University Accounting Officer.

The tender must be submitted at the level of the vice-rectorate of development, prospective and orientation of the University of Tlemcen accompanied by the administrative file of the company and will be contained in an anonymous envelope with the following mention:

Consultation N°05/VRDPO/2017
Acquisition d’équipements informatiques,
Université de Tlemcen
22,Rue ABI AYAD Abdelkrim Fg Pasteur
Tlemcen 13000 ALGERIE

Date for submission of tenders is July 11, 2017 before 12:00
