Events 25-09-2017

A ceremony of Start of the academic year

Start of the academic year: a ceremony symbolizing the resumption of pedagogical and scientific activities at the University of Tlemcen.


The entire university family is invited to attend a ceremony that will symbolize the Start of the academic year 2017/2018 as well as the resumption of pedagogical and scientific activities. It will take place on Tuesday, September 26, 2017 in the auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine at 14:30.

Your presence honors us.




  • 2 pm: Welcome guests
  • 2:30 pm: The National Anthem
  • 14:35: Welcome speech by Professor Djafour, Rector of the University
  • 14:45: Welcome speech by the Wali of the Wilaya of Tlemcen
  • 15h00: Course presented by Professor BERBER Necib entitled:

"Cancer management in Algeria: Perspectives and role of the university"

  • 15.30: Presentation of a sample of innovative projects carried out by UABT students and lecturers.
  • Closing ceremony.