As part of the certificate of specialization in sleep medicine. Organized by Prof. Dr. Sekkal Samira, Chu Tlemcen Labor Physician and Director of the Toxicomed Research Laboratory, a second seminar will be held in the auditorium at the Tlemcen Faculty of Medicine on November 12,13 and 14, 2017
the speakers for this session are Dr. Didi Toufik, a pulmonologist at the Annecy hospital in Geneva, France, who presented lectures on sleep apnea, their complications and their management, Dr. taleb nabila cardiologist at CHU Tlemcen who will present a lecture on the normal and pathological electrocardiogram and Pr henaoui latifa epidemiologist at Chu Tlemcen who will present a conference on the bibliographic research and management of these bibliographic references by the endnote software, as well as the different types of epidemiological surveys.