The call for the offer of PHC-TASSILI 2022 project. The document concerning this program (canvas) are downloaded on website of MESRS
National mobile application development competition for person with special needs
The government of Brunei Darussalam offers scholarships to students who wish to continue the post-graduate studies in Bunei, under the academic year 2021-2022
The Islamic Development Bank makes available to its members countries the study program for academic year 2021-202
شراكة وتعاون المدرسة العليا للإدارة العسكرية/جامعة تلمسان في سبيل شراكة علمية
We hereby inform you that the application platform for accesses to doctoral training (competition) is now operational and accessible
Offers of scholarships in Saudi Arabia
أشرف رئيس الجامعة الأستاذ عبد اللطيف مقنونيف على مراسيم تنصيب الأستاذ جيلالي تشوار رئيسا جديدا لمجلس أخلاقيات التعليم العالي
افتتاح فترة التدريب