As part of the ISTA coordinating mission in Algeria, ISTA project coordinator Roland Pellurson was received for the AUDIT at the University of Tlemcen on 16 and 17 May 2017 for the follow- Evaluation of the ISTA project of Tlemcen
The activities of the finals of the first national university championship for various sports at the level of the beautiful hall of Benmansour Abdallah-Tlemcen-
Pursuant to Executive Decree No. 04-180 of 23 June 2004 establishing the terms of reference, composition and functioning of the Board of Ethics and Professional Conduct of the University Profession, a Council of Ethics and Deontology of Aboubakr Belkaid U
نظم مخبر "حوار الديانات و الحضارات قي حوض البحر المتوسط الذي يشرف عليه د. سعيدي محمد الملتقى الوطني الأول حول الإعلام الخيري بحيث شارك فيه أساتذة و طلبة دكتوراه لكلية العلوم الاجتماعية بجميع التخصصات
STEMA 2017
نظيم نهائيات البطولة الوطنية الجامعية الأولى لمختلف الرياضات
Collaboration between UABT and Korean teachers
The theme of the webinar is: “Research in Germany and Funding Opportunities for Postdocs”