Student Life 09-01-2016

International exchanges between cultural clubs


  Music and Peace


Cultural clubs of the Department of Architecture receive between 7 and 10 February 2016 four young talents of classical music, belonging to committed volunteers "Music and Peace" of the city of Lille. As part of the cultural exchange between the town of Lille and the University of Tlemcen, the Faculty of Technology gets 4 artists of universal classical music (Camille, Clementine, Perrine and Antoinette) who will spend a week sharing and intercultural with students from UABT animating cultural clubs in the department of Architecture.



The exchange workshops revolve around the following themes: "Music-Theatre-Drawing-Story and Innovation". These workshops will be supervised by regulars on the matter: Khalil Ahmed Baba (Teacher and artist) and Ali Abdoune (Professional Dramatist) of the Algerian side and Clementine GODBIL (Violinist and Professor of schools in Lille) of the French side.

  Music and Peace
  Music and Peace  

During their presence in the University of Tlemcen, all students of the Faculty of Technology will meet with members of the club of Lille who will present fun activities with students of the faculty.