Information 22-02-2023

Information and awareness day day on the ministerial decision 1275

The student center  i2e at its headquarters CATI,  organize an information and awareness day on the ministerial decision 1275 , on 26 february 2023, at the auditorium of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Sciences of the Universe and Earth on Sunday, February 26, 2023 at 09 o’clock, the invitation concernes all students and superviser involved under the ministerial decision 1275

There will be very important interventions by Pr.MIR. Ahmed, president of the National Coordinating Committee for Follow-up on Innovation and University Incubators, Pr. Boujdar Loutfi, Director of the Algerian National Institute of Industrial Property - INAPI, Pr. Daly Bay, Head of the Mechanisms and precious System Department Anvredet , and Mr. Ouadah Noureddine, representing the Ministry of micro-enterprise and start up and Knowledge Economy,  Sub-Director of the startup and Support Structures.

Peut être une image de texte qui dit ’REPUBLIQUE ALGERIENNE DEMOCRATIQUE ET POPULAIRE MINISTERE DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR ET LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE UNIVERSITE ABOU-BEKR BELKAID TLEMCEN STUDENT CENTER TLEMCENUNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION SUPPORT CENTER w.|18 JOURNÉE D'INFORMATION ET DE SENSIBILISATION, DANS LE CADRE DU DÉCRET 1275 Tlemcen, le 26 février 2023 En collaboration avec le Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur, Ministère des Startups, Anvredet et INAPI NCSTIU STARTUP .dz ANVREDET in-pi ela Institut National Algeriễ»n Au niveau de l'Auditorium de la faculté SNV-STU -Université de Tlemcen-’