Information 17-10-2023

Inauguration of the auditorium

Inauguration of the auditorium (the late historian of ABDELHAMID HADJIAT) in memory of Eternal Migration Day, October 17, 1961.
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences organized events in commemoration of Migration Day, corresponding to October 17, 1961, under the supervision of Pr. MEGHACHOU Mourad, Rector of the University of Tlemcen. This event took place in the presence of : director of the MAGHNIA University Center, vice-rectors and deans, as well as representatives of the revolutionary family, teachers, students, and social partners.
After reciting the verses of the Holy Quran, the rector of the university presented a speech on this occasion, recalling the massacres committed by brutal French colonialism against innocent citizens who manifested themselves peacefully on October 17, 1961, and were hideously denied.
The day of October 17 is a significant sordid event in the history of colonialism because the capital, Paris, witnessed one of the most terrible massacres committed against innocent, unarmed people.
Indeed, a professor from the History Department presented a lecture on the massacres committed by colonialism against citizens, during which she gave statistics and everything that has been documented on this occasion and immortalized by historians in their writings on the sordid French colonialism.
Like other universities in the country, the participants observed a minute of silence in mercy for the souls of our Chouhada.
The activities of this event will continue in the second part with a visit to the Documentary Fund offered by the defunct President Ahmed BENBELLA at the library of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, then everyone went to the inauguration of the auditorium, which bore the name of the late great historian Abdelhamid HADDJIAT, in the presence of the Sons of the deceased, where Prof.Did BOUDJELA Abelmadjide provide us with a historical link about Algeria and its thinkers, including the historian ABDELHAMID HADJIAT , which is one of the flags of Algeria and an intellectual reference and a school as described by PR.BOUDJELA Abelmadjide in her lecture on human life, his works and writings and the intellectual impact he left in the world of thought and scientific research.
The closing of these events on this day was marked by a set of honors.
Cette célébration est not only a reminder of important historical events, but aussi an opportunity to better publicize history and its impact on the motherland and society, promotes communication and cultural and historical exchanges between différentes generations, encourages a deeper understanding of the historical context of the patrie. La peace on the souls of our Chouhada! Long live free and independent Algeria.