Information 07-12-2023

Scientific events

A virtual scientific forum and videoconference on electronic direcrorate and its implications for economic development on a national and international scale 
On December 6, 2023, the laboratory of Strategic Studies and political research under the direction of Pr. Ayyad Mohamed Samir organized a National Forum on electronic direcrorate and its implications for economic development on a national and international scale, chaired by Dr. Nasima Boudjnane and under the supervision of the research team: judicial legal security chaired by Pr. Mourad Said.
The forum was inaugurated by the dean of the Faculty of law and political sciences Pr. Bentifour Nasredine by an important speech relating to the subject of the colloquium.
The activities of the symposium then began, bringing together six scientific sessions led by a group of teachers from 13 higher education institutions.
During the opening session of the Forum, Professor Diden Bouaaza was honored for his efforts throughout his career at the Faculty of Law and Political Science.