Invitation 10-12-2023


Tlemcen University has the honor to invite you to attend the commemoration of "December 11, 1960" event , on Monday, December 11, 2023, at the Belkacem Saadallah Room (Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities) at 9:00 a.m.
Your presence is an honor for us.

The program of the celebration 2023-2024
09:00: reception of the guests
09:10 a.m.: flag raising at the square of  May 19 in front of the main entrance of the Faculty of Letters and Languages
* Recitation of the Fatiha verse in mercy for the souls of the martyrs
* Orientation to the conference room
* Visit of the historical exhibition presented by the Regional Museum of the Mujahid and the sub-directorate of activities
* Recite verses from the Holy Quran.
09:30 A word from the Rector of the University
09:40: Speech by the representative of the revolutionary family
09:45 Lecture by the professor of the history department on the occasion
10:00 honoring
10:30 screening of a documentary on the occasion
12:00 p.m.: closing of the ceremony.