Information 13-12-2023

Information and awareness day on start-up projects - Ministerial decree 1275.

As part of the ministerial decree n °1275 "A diploma- A Start-up" specifying the new methods for developing a graduation thesis project, and in the presence of the rector of the University of Tlemcen Pr.MEGHACHOU Mourad, the vice rectors of the university, the director of the student center Pr.SARI HASSOUN Zakaria, the coordinator of the national innovation monitoring committee of Sidi BELABES Pr.ZIDANE, Pr.MACHE of the University of Oran, teachers and students of different specialties, an information and awareness-raising day on the explanation of the mechanisms for the implementation of ministerial decree number 1275 was organized by the University of Tlemcen, this Tuesday, December 12, 2023.
The Rector of the university explained during his opening speech the importance attributed by the guardianship to this new innovative vision in order to embody the meaning of partnership and sustainable economic development to students. He also explained in detail the Ministerial Decision n° 1275 and how to take advantage of it in the creation of start-ups and micro-enterprises, and the registration of patents and how students can realize their own projects.
The organization of this day is part of the University's efforts to support innovation and encourage students to carry out their own projects.