Information 07-05-2024

Scientific event

A study day on the role of public administration in global development in Algeria.

As part of the promotion of the partnership between the University of Tlemcen and public institutions, the Department of Political Science of the University of Tlemcen, in coordination with the Local Administration Directorate of the Wilaya of Tlemcen, organized on Monday, May 6, 2024, a study day on «Public administration for global development in Algeria: reality and perspective», chaired by Dr. Guarouche Mohammed, in the presence of Pr. Bentiffour Nasreddine, dean of the faculty of law and political science, the Vice Dean of the Faculty, Pr. Ouhib Fathi, and the Head of the Department of Political Science, Dr. Mohamed Younes.

This scientific event aims to promote training in the field of public administration through exchanges of experiences and opinions on its central role in achieving global development in Algeria. The speakers, researchers, and academics participating enriched the debate and proposed new perspectives for the development and promotion of the effectiveness of public administration in order to meet the country’s development challenges.