Research 14-09-2016

Free access to the Cambridge Structural Database


Guide d'accès à la Cambridge Structural Database (CSD)

The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) is the home of small molecule crystallography data and is a leader in software for pharmaceutical discovery, materials development, research and education.

The CCDC compiles and distributes the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD), the world's repository of experimentally determined organic and metal-organic crystal structures. it also produce associated knowledge-based APPLICATION SOFTWARE for the global community of structural chemists, delivered through the CSD-System, CSD-Discovery, CSD-Materialsand CSD-Enterprise.

Founded in 1965, the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) is the crystal structures of the database more complete and up to date in the world. The version 2016, generously donated to the University of Tlemcen by the CCDC (Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre) until the end of December 2016, contains more than 800,000 entries from X-ray diffraction analysis and neutrons. it becomes the repository for the world scientific community regarding the structures in 3D.

Access to the CSD is made only from a computer connected to the local university network. For those who have not activated their account internet access, here the activation link: