Research 06-01-2020


1st and 2nd February 2020-01-08

Conference room of the Faculty of Medicine and Auditorium



The scientific association “ Mustapha DJAFOUR” in collaboration with the University of  Tlemcen organize a scientific manifestation in academic character , a quality training which hopes to take some expectations that the young doctorates  research and young doctors – teachers on view university enabling  in an atmosphere of sharing ,listing and exchange through two doctoral days 1st and 2nd  February 2020.

The manifestation will be afforded the expert quality of the world of the academic research, and aims of objective: the good practices of the research- effective support of doctorates researchers and cultural scientific promotion.

On the program the plenary conference about the university publication – drafting techniques- scientometrics indicator and categorizations magazines.

 Tree Thematic workshops :

1st workshop: Sciences and Technology

2nd workshops: Humans and Socials Sciences, Law and Economics Sciences, Letters and foreign Languages.

3rd workshops: Biology and Medecin

Rounds Tables: discussion and chairing

The manifestation concerns only the community of   the University of Tlemcen.

The number of places is limited to 120, the interested person should register in platform

Deadline for registration on the platform: 15th January 2020.

A certificate will be delivered to each participant.

For more information about the event, consult this fiel.

The program is attached  .