Call for applications 19-10-2020

Participation of academic institutions for SAFIR of the AUF project

The Francophone University Agency (AUF) is appealing for applicants to its program “SAFIR: creation or strengthen of university incubator in North Africa and Middle East”

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, as matter of Principe has no objective issued that the program, destined for Algerian researchers, aims at strengthening of the scientific cooperation and has no political connotation.

Moreover, it is clear that the information required is of nature “intrusive” cannot be given, therefore concern a grid of documentation not available to the public, including the following documents:

  • Financial report 2019 certified by an approved auditor.
  • Operational budget 2020 of institution ( revenue and expenditures)

In view of the above, the MESRS had reservations about to granting of sensitive documents.