Events 07-04-2021

Cultural and scientific events

Cultural and scientific events

On the occasion of national day of knowledge, celebrated on 16 April of each year and established in homage to the famous scientist Abdelhamid Ibn Badis to the knowledge and social scientists. The University of Tlemcen will organize a specific event with scientific and cultural program in the faculty of natural and life sciences, earth and universe sciences on next 11 April.  In participation of many Scientifics clubs  of different faculties of the University of Tlemcen.

On this occasion, student associations and scientific clubs will present cultural activities that will present breathing new life to our university and   other establishment after a pandemic year, as well as is a program that who immortalizes this national day of knowledge and appreciates the right of honest of this country.

Sunday morning 11 April 2021
At the Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, earth and universe sciences