Information 27-02-2023

A training and awareness day on ministerial decision 1275

A training and awareness day on ministerial decision 1275 was held at the auditorium of the faculty of natural and life sciences, earth and universe sciences, on February 26, 2023, initiated by a motivational speech by Mr. the rector of the university Pr. MEGHACHOU Mourad for the benefit of the students and the supervisors. Several speakers took the floor, including Pr.MIR Ahmed, President of the National Coordination Committee for Monitoring Innovation and University Incubators, Pr. Boujdar Loutfi, Director of the Algerian National Institute of Industrial Property - INAPI, Pr. Daly Bay, Head of Department of Precious Mechanisms and Systems Anvredet, and Pr. Ouadah Noureddine, representing the Ministry of Micro-enterprises and Start-ups and the Knowledge Economy, Deputy Director of Start-ups and support structures

At the end of this day SEMEC, a scientific club, was honored  for winning the national competition as the best scientific club in Algeria and for being the owner of the best start-up project.