Events 18-05-2023

Scientific events

National symposium on: the obstacles of archaeological research during national independence and the prospects for their promotion.

Laboratory of Archaeological Heritage and its enhancement of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences in coordination with the Ibn Faham association for heritage research and science-Tlemcen-, organized a national symposium on "the obstacles of archaeological research during national independence and prospects for their promotion” at the Abou Kacem Saad Allah conference room (sixth tranches), under the chairmanship of dr.REZGUI Chergui.

The symposium aims to provide a space for a scientific debate based between scientific skills, and administrative executives vigilant on the sector, and this in order to develop archaeological research in Algeria, and its valuation and the formulation of results. applied scientists, transmitted to the administration in the form of recommendations.

The Forum addressed five areas:

Evaluation study of the results of archaeological research in Algeria during the French occupation (1830-1962)

The dynamics of archaeological research in the transition (1962-1980) (Presentation and evaluation).

The frequent administrative reforms in the sector, and the possible impacts on the old dynamic braking.

The reality of archaeological research for thirty years (presentation and evaluation) - the mechanisms for relaunching archaeological research in Algeria, and prospects for development.
