Information 27-08-2023

Opening ceremony of the second CNES summer university

In collaboration with the University of Tlemcen and in coordination with the higher education institutions in the university city of Tlemcen, the National Council for Higher Education (CNES) announced the opening of the second CNES summer university under the theme "the role of the social partner in higher education reforms" during the period of August 25–30, 2023.
The opening ceremony was hosted by the auditorium of the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Earth and Universe Sciences, in the presence of the Rector of the University of Tlemcen, Pr. Meghachou Mourad, the six directors of the academic institutions of the Regional Conference of Western and Central Universities, the social partners, trade union representatives from different universities in the country, the representative of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the representative of the wali of the wilaya of Tlemcen, the military and civilian authorities of the wilaya of Tlemcen, and the media.
This event is considered a review of the cooperation and solidarity between the different parties to support higher education and scientific research in the country.