Congratulations 03-09-2023

Signing ceremony of the installation minutes of the newly recruited teachers.

The auditorium of the city center (Faculty of Medicine) hosted this Saturday, September 2, 2023, the signing ceremony of the VP of installation of newly recruited teachers in the presence of Pr. Meghachou Mourad, rector of the university, its vice-rectors, the secretary general of the University of Tlemcen, as well as the president of the pedagogical support unit, Pr. Saidi Mohammed.
In his speech, the Rector of the University, Pr. Meghachou Mourad, welcomed the present and warmly congratulated the new teachers. He spoke about the positive impact of their membership in the teaching staff that will help the university shine. The Rector is committed to supporting them throughout their academic career.
This act reflects the dedication of the university to strengthening the academic spirit and establishing contacts between faculty members and the university administration. This event also expresses the gratitude of the university to its new teachers and would provide an opportunity to increase academic interaction and cooperation in an environment full of enthusiasm and respect.