Information 03-10-2023

Raising awareness around cancer prostate


A number of foods with the ability to reduce the risk of prostate cancer have been identified in recent years. The most important are: 

Cruciferous vegetables: it is clearly established that regular consumption of these vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, turnips, etc.) can significantly reduce the risk of developing a range of cancers, including prostate cancer. This beneficial effect of crucifers comes mainly from their ability to block the carcinogenic potential of a large number of particularly dangerous substances that can alter the genetic material of the cell (DNA) and induce damage that will lead to the development of cancer. 

Green tea: several studies have shown that regular consumption of green tea decreases the risk of being affected by certain types of cancer, especially those of the bladder and prostate. The most important anti-cancer molecule of green tea, EGCG, has the property of blocking certain mechanisms used by cancer cells to grow and invade tissues, in particular by preventing the formation of a new network of blood vessels by the process of angiogenesis. s cellules cancéreuses pour croître et envahir les tissus, notamment en empêchant la formation d’un nouveau réseau de vaisseaux sanguins par le processus d’angiogenèse.

Tomatoes : Some observations have shown that the incidence of prostate cancer is lower in countries where people eat many tomato dishes, such as Italy, Spain, and Mexico. It seems that this protection is related to the presence of lycopene, a pigment capable of interfering with the growth of prostatic precancerous cells.To maximize the effect of lycopene, it is important to consume cooked tomatoes, ideally in a fatty substance such as olive oil, in the form of a sauce, for example. Cooking tomatoes in fat increases the amount of lycopene and makes it much more assimilable by the cells of our body.

Dietary fats : drecent studies show that omega-3 fatty acids prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells. The best sources of omega-3 are fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, and herring, as well as flax seeds, which can be added freshly ground to morning cereals.