Information 26-10-2023

Closing meeting of the CBHE InPROVE project

The University of Boumerdes recently organized a closing meeting of the CBHE InPROVE project.
The meeting took place over two days on October 25 and 26, 2023, in the presence of Prof. Djabou Nassim, Prof. Melouka Smail, Prof. Abbas Marok, Prof. Ali Hamza Cherif, and Prof. Bounouar Bensaim.
In collaboration with several partner universities, including Montpellier, Perpignan, Barcelona, Porto, Blida, Oum El Bouagi, Guelma, Mostaganem, and Tlemcen. The main objective of the InPROVE project was to strengthen the links between Algerian universities and the professional world by aligning academic programs with the required skills through the validation of acquired experience (VAE). Launched on December 4, 2019 in Montpellier, it aims, initially, to develop a methodology to enable the implementation of the VAE in the future within the Algerian ministry of higher education.