Information 22-11-2023

Scientific events

National symposium on: The study of the term in the field of humanities and social sciences at Amir Abdelkader

The Arabization of the Term in the Humanities and Social Sciences Laboratory of the Faculty of Letters and Languages organized, on November 21, 2023, a national symposium on "The Study of the Term in the Humanities and Social Sciences at Amir Abdelkader", chaired by Dr. Abdelrahim Khadidja and supervised by the laboratory director, Dr. Bour Fatima.
The work of the colloquium subsequently began, including various interventions on the literary and intellectual heritage of the Emir presented by a group of teachers from different national higher education institutions. Their interventions focused on questions related to the subject of the colloquium, followed by an open discussion between teachers on the interaction of the poetic, religious, and political dimensions of Emir Abdelkader, especially since his personality is combined between the poet, the Sufi, the revolutionary leader, and the political Emir.
The activities were closed with the presentation of a set of suggestions and recommendations on the importance of studying the term in the humanities and social sciences. Amir Abdelkader was a rich and influential personality in the history of Algeria and the world of Islam.