Information 28-11-2023

The "Study in Algeria label"

Pr. Hamza Cherif Ali, Vice-Rector of External Relations, Cooperation, Animation, Communication, and Events, attended the award ceremony of the label "Study in Algeria" at 15 academic institutions fulfilling the pedagogical and service criteria to welcome international students, chaired by Pr. Baddari Kamel, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, at the headquarters of his ministerial department and at videoconference at the level of regional conferences of the universities west CRUO, south CRUC and east CRUEST
The responsible minister affirmed that Algeria tends, through the creation of this label, to create competition between national academic institutions in order to improve the various services for the benefit of international students.
To note, in this first edition, the University of Tlemcen obtained a star on a scale composed of two stars, following a strict evaluation adopted by the National Evaluation Committee regarding the label "Study in Algeria."
The "Study in Algeria label" is valid for one year, until academic institutions conduct a process of development and continuous improvement.