Information 07-05-2024

The i2E Student Center organizes awareness conferences for students registered under Ministerial Decision 1275 for the current academic year.

The i2E Student Center organized conferences at the auditorium of the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences and Earth and Universe Sciences, dedicated to students with innovative projects registered under Ministerial Decision 1275 for the current academic year.

This event took place in the presence of Prof. Amin Darfouf from the Maghira University Center and Prof. Djaoul Zidane from the University of Sidi Bel Abbès.

These conferences saw significant participation from students with innovative projects from various faculties, reflecting their eagerness to benefit from valuable experiences and guidance in the field of entrepreneurship.

This remarkable initiative by the i2E Student Center is part of its efforts to support the spirit of initiative and creativity among students with innovative projects and to assist them in transforming their entrepreneurial ideas into successful projects contributing to national economic development.