Events 09-05-2024

PRFU project the Arabic language teaching for non-native speakers team

The laboratory of ESP T and the team teaching the Arabic language for non-native speakers organized on May 8, 2024, a day of study on the methods in foreign language teaching in the Algerian university: between tradition and innovation, under the chairmanship of teacher Hakim Hadia, in collaboration with the director of the PRFU project  the Arabic language teaching for non-native speakers team, teacher Saidi Nassima.

This day took place in the presence of Professor Meghachou Mourad, Rector of the University of Tlemcen, the Chief of Staff, Azzou Omar, and the vice deans of the Faculty of Letters and Languages, the teacher, Dr. Belalfat Aderrahim, as well as the head of the department, the students of the translation department, and the master of LS1 English language, competent teachers who enriched this scientific ceremony with their valuable lectures.

On this occasion, the employer, Bentabet Noureddine, the symbol of the English department, and the Chinese students who came to Tlemcen University to learn the Arabic language were honored.