Information 26-05-2024

Commemorating Science Leaders: Stars That Lit the Sky at Tlemcen Medical Faculty

In a gesture of gratitude that embodies the values of recognition and loyalty, the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tlemcen paid homage to a select group of its eminent professors who have departed from our world, leaving behind a remarkable scientific legacy immortalized in the memories of their students and colleagues.

University members, including faculty, students, and staff, gathered in a solemn ceremony to honor these leaders, who illuminated the scientific landscape with their knowledge and innovations. The ceremony was marked by solemn eulogies that shed light on the merits of each professor and their noble careers, mingled with feelings of pride, appreciation, and recognition.

Recognizing the importance of paying tribute to pioneers in the field of science, the faculty administration decided to name educational and research spaces in honor of these professors in acknowledgment of their exceptional efforts and valuable contributions to the development of medical education and the advancement of scientific research.

The honored professors are:

  • Mr. Bouali Othman (1951–1988)
  • Mr. Ben Omar El Bachir (1949–1993)
  • Mr. Ziamani Arabi (1965–2005)
  • Mr. Massen Zouhir (1955–2015)
  • Mr. Ghafour Abdelkader (1951–2017)
  • Mrs. Wadhih Mariam (1957–2017)
  • Mr. Boufatih Yassine (1967-2019)
  • Mr. Hajaj Oul Mourad (1968–2023)
  • Mrs. Hadou Meroua (2021–1989)
  • Mrs. Bemrah Zakiya, wife of Ousadit (1957–2023)
  • Mrs. Draqi Shahida Aouicha, wife of Ghamari (1978–2024)

These distinguished professors are stars who have illuminated the sky of science with their knowledge and innovations, leaving behind a remarkable scientific legacy immortalized in the hearts of their students and colleagues for eternity.

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