Information 01-12-2024

Finals of the Doctoral Week Competition

The University of Abou Bakr Belkaid Tlemcen organized the finals of the Doctoral Week competition on Saturday, November 30, 2024, held in the auditorium of the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Earth and Universe Sciences.

These finals marked the conclusion of the fourth edition of Doctoral Week, which took place from November 2 to 7. Like previous editions, this event was dedicated to evaluating the progress of research work being carried out as part of doctoral theses. The competition has become a true platform for scientific exchange between doctoral students, university researchers, and partners from the socio-economic world, thus helping to better highlight theses and research work.

Eight students selected as the best from their faculties participated in the finals. These students presented their research, which was evaluated by a jury composed of professors from various faculties of the university. This edition also saw the participation of a professor from Ferhat Abbas University of Sétif 1, as well as a professor from the Higher School of Commercial Studies of Algiers, who also served on the jury.

The event concluded with the presentation of participation certificates to all doctoral students who took part in Doctoral Week, followed by the award of incentive prizes to the finalists.

At the end of the ceremony, the jury selected student HALMI Yasmine from the Faculty of Sciences as the winner for the best oral presentation of the fourth edition of Doctoral Week 2024.