International 03-05-2015

Next Einstein Forum (NEF), a new Global Forum for Science in Africa

Next Einstein Forum (NEF), a new Global Forum for Science in Africa

Call for applications


The NEF is a new Global Forum for Science in Africa that serves as a platform to recognize and propel African science in the highest international spheres and to highlight the fundamental role that science plays in human development. Under the Science and Humanity theme: Restoring the links, the International Meeting of NEF, a biennial meeting, will honor on the global scene, the 15 NEF Fellows will have the opportunity to be in contact with African leaders and the rest of the world in the framework of meetings where participation will be possible only on formal invitation. These leading scientists, politicians, businessmen, journalists, members of civil society and entrepreneurs will highlight important findings and catalyze scientific collaboration for human development.

TheNEFExcellence ScholarshipsProgramseeks to identifythe best15young African scientiststo propelthem onto the internationalsceneas futurereflectionsof aglobal developmentledby science.

For more information, including submission procedures, please visit the website: or contact them at the following email: